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Frequently asked questions
Who can participate at Cheer Derby events?Our events are open to all USASF All-Star, Rec, School, Dance, and Cheer/Dance abilities programs.
Do you have to receive a bid to go to Cheer Derby National events?No, any program can attend our Nationals and Grand Nationals events!
Do you charge crossover fees?Yes, please have your coach contact their Cheer Derby sales representative for this information.
What is the Cheer Derby transfer/refund policy?You can find this information here.
Are Cheer Derby events Stay-To-Play?No, none of our events are Stay-To-Play! However, Cheer Derby works closely with Team Travel Source. TTS helps us to ensure that our athletes and their families are getting a great and cheap price for their hotels.
What divisions are offered?All of our division breakdowns can be found here.
What do I do when I can’t get a hold of my sales representative?Please contact 1-877-337-2930 or submit an inquiry through our contact tab.
Where do I get and/or how do I fill out athlete waiver?All of our waivers are done electronically through email or by paper depending on coach's preference. Please have your coach contact their representative if you are having trouble receiving or filling out your waiver.
Will all athletes receive something?Yes, each athlete will receive a participant gift at all Cheer Derby events in addition to other awards that they may receive.
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